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2018-11-05 16:42:04  |  FAQ
What types of payment methods do you have?
질문 What types of payment methods do you have?

Payment methods are largely divided into three types: cash payment, credit card payment, and points/other payment.

[Cash payment]

① Cash payment/G bankbook (cash balance)
    It is a method of depositing money into your dedicated deposit account using Internet banking, phone banking, and window deposit, or paying with the amount of cash balance.

② Real time account transfer
    In the process of ordering, a public certificate is required by withdrawing the purchase price directly from your bank account.

③ Foreign currency deposit
    t is used when depositing foreign currency through PayPal and Resonabank.

[Credit card payment]

① Internet Safe Payment (ISP)
    It is used when paying with KB (Kookmin), BC, and Woori cards.

② Secure Click Service
    Payment with Samsung, LG, KEB, Shinhan (Johung), Lotte, Hyundai, Hana, Hanmi, Citi, Gwangju, Jeonbuk, Suhyup, KDB card
    I use it for poetry.

③ Regular card
    It is used for payment with a card other than the cards guided above.

④ Overseas credit card payment
    It is used when paying with an overseas card among overseas customers.

[Points/Other Payment]

 KB Card Point, LG Card Point, LG Myshop Card Payment, Hyundai Card W Point, and Woori e-card are used for payment.
